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Crystal Salt

 How to Prepare For A Mediumship Reading 

Mediumship Reading Page

My work as a medium is one of the most sacred and rewarding aspects of my career as an energy practitioner. Being able to be the bridge to bring messages of love and proof of survival from our loved ones in spirit is an honor and a privilege.

In preparation for your reading:

  • You are welcome to record your session so you do not have to worry about taking notesduring your reading. If we are meeting via Zoom, your session will be recorded.

  • Invite all your friends and family who have passed to come and visit. Let them know the date and time of your reading and ask them to join us!  I cannot guarantee who will come through in a reading, that is entirely up to the spirit realm.  I recognize that often times we come to a medium to hear from one specific person. I will do my best to connect you with that person but cannot guarantee that they will come through. Be sincere in your heart when you are inviting them.

  • Just relax and let me know whether or not a piece of information I give you is something that you recognize. It is ok to say no! A no just gives me an opportunity to go back and ask the spirit communicator for more information. 

  • Sometimes people we do not anticipate showing up are the first ones through – think old neighbor or first grade teacher – sometimes they come through as a way of “opening the door” for the next soul to come through so please be open to their message. This is particularly true in the case of someone who has passed more recently. They have to learn how to communicate with us and often they follow in the footsteps of one who has been in the spirit realm for a longer period of time.

  • No alcohol or mind-altering drugs the day before or day of reading. Your loved ones are working very hard to be heard and we need as clear a mind as possible.

  • It's ok to be excited, it will raise your vibration. Don’t be nervous or afraid, our loved ones in spirit come from a base of love. A mediumship link is nothing like Hollywood portrays it!

  • Do not volunteer any information, but do answer questions and/or ask for clarification.

  • Have a glass of water with you and anything else that will make you comfortable.

I look forward to our time together!

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